McGraw-Hill Education GRE 2019

(singke) #1
Paragraph 2: First assumption: How important is customer service
to getting business? If people still give business despite bad customer
service, then new support staff won’t matter.

Paragraph 3: Second assumption: Could the loss in revenue have been
due to other factors? Was the economy bad? Did other parts of the
company decline during this time period?

Paragraph 4: Third assumption: What was the previous customer
support staff like? Were they better than the current ones? If so, would
new ones be as good as the old ones? If new hires are not as good as
the old staff, then hiring new personnel might not solve the problem.

Paragraph 5: Conclusion: Even though there’s a correlation b/w loss in
staff and revenue, it’s not obvious that the loss in staff led to the loss in
revenue. Need to address a lot of other factors before deciding that they
should hire more customer support staff.

Step 3: Write Your Body Paragraphs (5 Minutes per Paragraph)
In each body paragraph, you should examine a major assumption in the argument.
Start by introducing the assumption. Then state why the argument actually depends
on this assumption. Here is a writer’s paragraph 3 based on the preceding outline:

The author uses the correlation between the loss of revenue and decrease
in customer support during the same time period to conclude that the
business will benefit by hiring additional customer service employees.
However, the author commits a logical fallacy by equating correlation
and causation. The fact that the loss of revenue coincided with this
decrease in staff is not enough to conclude that the loss in revenue was
caused by the decrease in staff. Perhaps the economy was bad during
this time period, and the company lost revenues because its clientele
did not have as much disposable income. Or perhaps there were other
segments of the company that were underperforming during this time
period. Or perhaps one of its competitors had introduced a new product
or service that took away some of the company’s business. Because the
author leaves so many external variables unaddressed, it is not possible
to draw a firm causal connection between the data in the argument.


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