Lesson Seven: The Timeless Truths (Part II)

(bhcheah) #1

The Dhammapada states:

There is no fire like lust, no grip like hate, there
is no net like delusion, no river like craving.

(v. 251)

With the giving up of egoism by one's own
intuitive insight, both attachment and hatred
disappear. Clear vision and Right Understanding
leads to clear thinking and Right Thoughts.

5.The Map to Freedom

In the Noble Eightfold Path, the Buddha has
provided us with a map of the road leading to
Nibbana. It is a reliable map, being planned out
and drawn by him who has surveyed the whole
route himself.

This road is so clearly marked that none can
mistake it.

But we must not sit by the roadside to admire
the splendid map because the destination is not
reached by looking and praising but by going -
by continually treading the Path with resolution.

We must look at the map often to refresh our
memory, to remind ourselves of the existence of
the deceptive side paths and alleys that might
otherwise cause us to wander from it.

After refreshing our memory, get on our feet,
and with the staff of courage and energy in
hand, we fare forth along that grand highway.

Keep on going and still keep on...... we shall
inevitably reach the glorious end.

"Appamadena sampadetha!" said he who first
thoroughly explored and travelled and made
known the road: the Buddha said, "By diligence
attain the goal!"

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