The Universal Christ

(singke) #1

Going Somewhere Good

I have come to cast fire upon the earth, and how I wish it were
already blazing.
—Luke 12:49

Up to now, we’ve focused largely on describing a universal and deeper reality at
the heart of all things. We have named this transcendent reality the Christ
Mystery, which reveals itself in the incarnations of nature, the Jesus of history,
and even you and me. This Christ passionately and relentlessly loves us in a
highly personalized way, wooing us toward wholeness in a vocabulary unique
to each soul.

In this chapter, we stand back to ask, But where is this all going? If “Christ in
you” is the starting point, what is the end goal for all of us, and—for that matter
—the cosmos in its entirety? Is our “late, great planet earth” really headed
toward Armageddon? In these fractious, unmoored, and disillusioned times, I
can hardly think of more relevant concerns.

To arrive at ultimate outcomes, I begin with the promise of change, and also
the nature of change, which I describe later as moving from order to disorder
and finally reorder (Appendix II).

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