Adobe Illustrator CC Classroom in a Book (2019 Release), First Edition

(singke) #1

Pattern Options panel, 321 , 322 , 323

pattern tile, 322

patterns, 320 – 324

applying, 320 – 321 , 323
creating your own, 321 – 323
editing, 324
saving a copy of, 323
swatches for, 320 , 323 , 346
tiling of, 322 – 323 , 346 , 349

PDF file creation, 428

Pen tool, 169 – 185

artwork created with, 181 – 185
curves drawn with, 175 – 176 , 201
exploring the use of, 169 – 170
straight lines drawn with, 172 – 173 , 201
toggling preview for, 170

Pencil tool, 196 – 199

freeform paths drawn with, 196 – 197
setting options for, 197 , 201
straight lines drawn with, 198 – 199

Perspective Distort option, 160

Photoshop effects, 366 , 372 – 373 , 381

Photoshop images

placing with Show Import Options, 412 – 414
See also images

Photoshop Import Options dialog box, 412 – 413

pie widget, 92

pixel-aligned property, 433

pixel grid, 433 , 434 – 437

aligning artwork to, 434 – 437 , 451
turning off, 434

Pixel Preview, 51 , 433

Place dialog box, 408 , 412 , 414

placeholder text, 240 , 243

placing images, 25 , 408 – 409

multiple images, 414 – 415
Photoshop images, 412 – 414

point type

adding to documents, 239 – 240
converting area type to, 242 – 243
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