The Paediatric Formulary Committee is grateful to
individuals and organisations that have provided advice and
information to theBNF for Children(BNFC).
The principal contributors for this update were:
M.N. Badminton, S. Bailey, G.D.L. Bates, H. Bedford,
M.W. Beresford, R.M. Bingham, L. Brook, K.G. Brownlee,
I.F. Burgess, A. Cant, R. Carr, T.D. Cheetham, A.G. Cleary,
A.J. Cotgrove, J.B.S. Coulter, B.G. Craig, J.H. Cross,
A. Dhawan, P.N. Durrington, A.B. Edgar, J.A. Edge,
D.A.C. Elliman, N.D. Embleton, A. Freyer, P.J. Goadsby,
J. Gray, J.W. Gregory, P. Gringras, J.P. Harcourt, C. Hendriksz,
R.F. Howard, R.G. Hull, H.R. Jenkins, S. Jones, B.A. Judd,
E. Junaid, P.T. Khaw, J.M.W. Kirk, E.G.H. Lyall, P.S. Malone,
S.D. Marks, D.F. Marsh, P. McHenry, P.J. McKiernan,
L.M. Melvin, E. Miller, S. Moledina, R.E. Morton,
P. Mulholland, C. Nelson-Piercy, J.M. Neuberger,
K.K. Nischal, C.Y. Ng, J.Y. Paton, G.A. Pearson, J. Puntis,
J. Rogers, K.E. Rogstad, J.W. Sander, N.J. Scolding,
M.R. Sharland, N.J. Shaw, O.F.W Stumper, A.G. Sutcliffe,
E.A. Taylor, S. Thomas, M.A. Thomson, J.A. Vale, S. Vijay,
J.O. Warner, N.J.A. Webb, A.D. Weeks, R. Welbury,
W.P. Whitehouse, A. Wright, M.M. Yaqoob, Z. Zaiwalla, and
S.M. Zuberi.
Members of the British Association of Dermatologists’
Therapy & Guidelines Subcommittee, D.A. Buckley,
N. Chiang, M. Cork, K. Gibbon, R.Y.P. Hunasehally,
G.A. Johnston, T.A. Leslie, E.C. Mallon, P.M. McHenry,
J. Natkunarajah, C. Saunders, S. Ungureanu, S. Wakelin,
F.S. Worsnop, A.G. Brain (Secretariat), and M.F. Mohd
Mustapa (Secretariat) have provided valuable advice.
Members of the Advisory Committee on Malaria Prevention,
R.H. Behrens, D. Bell, P.L. Chiodini, V. Field, F. Genasi,
L. Goodyer, A. Green, J. Jones, G. Kassianos, D.G. Lalloo,
D. Patel, H. Patel, M. Powell, D.V. Shingadia, N.O. Subair,
C.J.M. Whitty, M. Blaze (Secretariat), and V. Smith
(Secretariat) have provided valuable advice.
The MHRA have provided valuable assistance.
Correspondents in the pharmaceutical industry have
provided information on new products and commented on
products in BNFC.
Numerous doctors, pharmacists, nurses, and others have
sent comments and suggestions.
The BNFC has valuable access to theMartindaledata banks
by courtesy of A. Brayfield and staff.
The BNF team are grateful for the support and access to in-
house expertise at Pharmaceutical Press and acknowledge
the assistance of A. Lourie, J. Macdonald, N. Potter, H. Sondh
and their teams.
E. Hagos, A. Pryde, M. Smith and K. Sproston provided
considerable assistance during the production of this update
of BNFC.
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