▶HIV-protease inhibitorsare predicted to increase the
concentration oftemsirolimus. Avoid.rTheoretical
▶Idelalisibis predicted to increase the concentration of
temsirolimus. Avoid.rTheoretical→Also seeTABLE 15p. 850
▶Imatinibis predicted to increase the concentration of
temsirolimus.oTheoretical→Also seeTABLE 15p. 850
▶Live vaccinesare predicted to increase the risk of generalised
infection (possibly life-threatening) when given with
temsirolimus. Public Health England advises avoid (refer to
Green Book).rTheoretical
▶Lumacaftoris predicted to decrease the exposure to
temsirolimus. Avoid.rTheoretical
▶Macrolides(clarithromycin)are predicted to increase the
concentration oftemsirolimus. Avoid.rTheoretical
▶Macrolides(erythromycin)are predicted to increase the
concentration oftemsirolimus.oTheoretical
▶Mitotaneis predicted to decrease the concentration of
temsirolimus. Avoid.rStudy→Also seeTABLE 15p. 850
▶Netupitantis predicted to increase the concentration of
▶Nevirapineis predicted to decrease the concentration of
temsirolimus. Avoid.rTheoretical
▶Nilotinibis predicted to increase the concentration of
temsirolimus.oTheoretical→Also seeTABLE 15p. 850
▶Pitolisantis predicted to decrease the exposure to
temsirolimus. Avoid.rTheoretical
▶Rifampicinis predicted to decrease the concentration of
temsirolimus. Avoid.rStudy
▶St John’s Wortis predicted to decrease the concentration of
temsirolimus. Avoid.rTheoretical
Tenecteplase→seeTABLE 3p. 847 (anticoagulant effects)
Tenofovir alafenamide
▶Antiepileptics(carbamazepine, fosphenytoin, oxcarbazepine,
phenobarbital, phenytoin, primidone)are predicted to decrease
the exposure totenofovir alafenamide. Avoid.o
▶HIV-protease inhibitors(atazanavir, darunavir)increase the
exposure totenofovir alafenamide. Avoid.oStudy
▶HIV-protease inhibitors(tipranavir)are predicted to affect the
exposure totenofovir alafenamide. Avoid.oTheoretical
▶Rifabutinis predicted to decrease the exposure totenofovir
alafenamide. Avoid.oTheoretical
▶Rifampicinis predicted to decrease the exposure totenofovir
alafenamide. Avoid.oTheoretical
▶St John’s Wortis predicted to decrease the exposure to
tenofovir alafenamide. Avoid.oTheoretical
Tenofovir disoproxil→seeTABLE 2p. 847 (nephrotoxicity)
▶Tenofovir disoproxilincreases the risk of toxicity when given
withdidanosine. Avoid.rStudy
▶Ledipasvir(with sofosbuvir) slightly increases the exposure to
tenofovir disoproxil.oStudy
▶Velpatasviris predicted to increase the exposure totenofovir
▶Voxilapreviris predicted to increase the exposure totenofovir
Tenoxicam→see NSAIDs
Terazosin→see alpha blockers
ROUTE-SPECIFIC INFORMATIONSince systemic absorption can
follow topical application, the possibility of interactions
should be borne in mind.
▶Terbinafineis predicted to increase the exposure to
anticholinesterases, centrally acting(galantamine). Monitor and
adjust dose.oStudy
▶Terbinafineis predicted to moderately increase the exposure
toaripiprazole. Adjustaripiprazoledose,p. 249.oStudy
▶Terbinafineis predicted to markedly increase the exposure to
atomoxetine. Adjust dose.rStudy
▶Terbinafineis predicted to increase the exposure tobeta
blockers, selective(metoprolol, nebivolol).oStudy
▶Terbinafineis predicted to slightly increase the exposure to
▶Terbinafineis predicted to increase the exposure toeliglustat.
Avoid or adjust dose—consult product literature.rStudy
▶Terbinafineis predicted to decrease the efficacy ofopioids
▶Terbinafineis predicted to decrease the efficacy ofopioids
▶Terbinafineis predicted to moderately increase the exposure
topitolisant. Use with caution and adjust dose.oStudy
▶Rifampicindecreases the exposure toterbinafine. Adjust dose.
▶Terbinafineis predicted to increase the exposure to
risperidone. Adjust dose.oStudy
▶Terbinafineis predicted to increase the exposure toSSRIs
(citalopram, dapoxetine, escitalopram, fluvoxamine, sertraline).
▶Terbinafineis predicted to increase the exposure toSSRIs
(fluoxetine). Adjust dose.oTheoretical
▶Terbinafinemoderately increases the exposure toSSRIs
▶Terbinafineis predicted to decrease the efficacy oftamoxifen.
▶Terbinafineis predicted to increase the exposure totricyclic
antidepressants. Monitor for toxicity and adjust dose.r
▶Terbinafineis predicted to increase the exposure to
vortioxetine. Monitor and adjust dose.oStudy
Terbutaline→see beta 2 agonists
▶Teriflunomideis predicted to decrease the exposure to
▶Teriflunomidedecreases the exposure toaminophylline. Adjust
▶Teriflunomideis predicted to decrease the exposure to
anaesthetics, local(ropivacaine).oTheoretical
▶Teriflunomidepotentially increases the exposure tobaricitinib.
▶Teriflunomideis predicted to moderately increase the
clearance ofcaffeine citrate. Monitor and adjust dose.
▶Teriflunomideis predicted to decrease the exposure to
▶Teriflunomideaffects the anticoagulant effect ofcoumarins.
▶Teriflunomideis predicted to decrease the exposure to
▶Live vaccinesare predicted to increase the risk of generalised
infection (possibly life-threatening) when given with
teriflunomide. Public Health England advises avoid (refer to
Green Book).rTheoretical
▶Teriflunomideis predicted to decrease the exposure to
▶Teriflunomideis predicted to increase the exposure to
▶Teriflunomideis predicted to decrease the exposure to
olanzapine. Monitor and adjust dose.oStudy
▶Teriflunomideis predicted to increase the exposure to
▶Teriflunomideis predicted to decrease the exposure to
▶Teriflunomideis predicted to increase the exposure to
▶Teriflunomideis predicted to increase the exposure to
selexipag. Adjust dose.oTheoretical
▶Teriflunomidemoderately increases the exposure tostatins
(rosuvastatin). Adjustrosuvastatindose,p. 133.oStudy
▶Teriflunomideis predicted to increase the concentration of
▶Teriflunomideis predicted to decrease the exposure to
theophylline. Adjust dose.oStudy
▶Teriflunomidemoderately decreases the exposure to
Tetrabenazine→seeTABLE 9p. 849 (QT-interval prolongation)
▶Tetrabenazineis predicted to decrease the effects oflevodopa.
Use with caution or avoid.oTheoretical
▶Tetrabenazineis predicted to increase the risk of CNS toxicity
when given withmonoamine-oxidase A and B inhibitors,
1000 Temsirolimus—Tetrabenazine BNFC 2018 – 2019
|Appendix 1