BNF for Children (BNFC) 2018-2019

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Index of proprietary manufacturers

The following is an alphabetical list of
manufacturers and other companies
referenced in the BNF, with their
medicines information or general contact
details. For information on‘special-order’
manufacturers and specialist importing
companies see‘Special-order

3M Health Care Ltd,Tel: (01509) 611 611

A1 Pharmaceuticals Plc,Tel: (01708) 528 900,
[email protected]

Abbot Medical Optics,Tel: 0800 376 7950

Abbott,Tel: (01628) 773 355

Abbott Healthcare Products Ltd,Tel: (01628)
773 355, [email protected]

AbbVie Ltd,Tel: (01628) 561 090, ukmedinfo@

Abraxis BioScience Ltd,Tel: (020) 7081 0850,
[email protected]

Acorus Therapeutics Ltd,Tel: (01244) 625 152

Actavis UK Ltd, a subsidary of Accord
Healthcare Ltd,Tel: (01271) 385 257, medinfo@

Actelion Pharmaceuticals UK Ltd,Tel: (020)
8987 3333, [email protected]

Activa Healthcare,Tel: 0845 060 6707,
[email protected]

Adienne Pharma and Biotech,Tel: 0039 (0)
335 873 8731

ADI Medical UK,Tel: (01628) 485159, info@

Advanced Medical Solutions Group Plc,Tel:
(01606) 863 500

Advancis Medical Ltd,Tel: (01623) 751 500,
[email protected]

Advantech Surgical Ltd,Tel: 0845 130 5866,
[email protected]

Aegerion Pharmaceuticals Ltd,Tel: 00800
2343 7466, [email protected]

AgaMatrix Europe Ltd,Tel: (01235) 838 639,
[email protected]

Agepha GmbH,Tel: (020) 3239 6241, uk@

Aguettant Ltd,Tel: (01275) 463 691, info@

Air Products plc,Tel: 0800 373 580

Alan Pharmaceuticals,Tel: (020) 7284 2887,
[email protected]

Alcon Laboratories (UK) Ltd,Tel: 0345 266
9363, [email protected]

Alexion Pharma UK Ltd,Tel: (01932) 359 220,
[email protected]

Alimera Sciences Limited,Tel: 0800 019 1253,
[email protected]

Alissa Healthcare,Tel: (01489) 80 759,
[email protected]

ALK-Abelló (UK) Ltd,Tel: (0118) 903 7940,
[email protected]

Alkopharma Sarl,Tel: (0041) 277 206 969,
[email protected]

Allen & Hanburys Ltd,Tel: 0800 221 441,
[email protected]

Allergan Ltd,Tel: (01628) 494 026

Allergy Therapeutics Ltd,Tel: (01903) 844
Alliance Pharmaceuticals Ltd,Tel: (01249)
466 966, [email protected]
Almirall Ltd,Tel: 0800 008 7399, medinfouk@
Altacor Ltd,Tel: (01223) 421 411, info@altacor-
Amdipharm Mercury Company Ltd,Tel:
08700 70 30 33, medicalinformation@
Amgen Ltd,Tel: (01223) 420 305, gbinfoline@
Amred Healthcare Ltd,Tel: (0330) 333 0079,
[email protected]
Amryt Pharma,Tel: 00800 234 37466,
[email protected]
Apollo Medical Technologies Ltd,Tel: (01636)
831 201, [email protected]
Archimed,Tel: 0800 756 9951, enquiries@
Archimedes Pharma UK Ltd,Tel: (0118) 931
5094, medicalinformationuk@
Arctic Medical Ltd,Tel: (01303) 277 751,
[email protected]
Ardana Bioscience Ltd,Tel: (0131) 226 8550
ARIAD Pharma UK Ltd,Tel: 0800 0002 7423,
[email protected]
Ark Therapeutics Group Plc,Tel: (020) 7388
7722, [email protected]
Aspen,Tel: 0800 008 7392, aspenmedinfo@
Aspen Medical Europe Ltd,Tel: (01527) 587
728, [email protected]
AS Pharma Ltd,Tel: 0870 066 4117, info@
Aspire Pharma Ltd,Tel: (01730) 231 148, info@
Astellas Pharma Ltd,Tel: (020) 3379 8000,
[email protected]
AstraZeneca UK Ltd,Tel: 0800 783 0033,
[email protected]
Auden Mckenzie (Pharma Division) Ltd,Tel:
(01895) 627 420
Auxilium,Tel: 0845 017 2315, auxilium@
Axcan Pharma SA,Tel: (0033) 130 461 900
AYMES International Ltd,Tel: 0845 6805 496,
[email protected]
Ayrton Saunders Ltd,Tel: (0151) 709 2074,
[email protected]
BAP Medical UK Ltd,Tel: 0844 879 7689
Bard Ltd,Tel: (01293) 527 888
Basilea Pharmaceuticals Ltd,Tel: (01483) 790
023, [email protected]
Bausch & Lomb UK Ltd,Tel: (01748) 828 864,
[email protected]
Baxalta UK Limited,Tel: (01635) 798 777,
[email protected]
Baxter Healthcare Ltd,Tel: (01635) 206 345,
[email protected]

Bayer,Tel: (01635) 563 000,
[email protected]
Bayer Consumer care,Tel: (01635) 563 000,
[email protected]
Bayer Diabetes care,Tel: (01635) 563 000,
[email protected]
Bayer Diagnostics,Tel: (01635) 563 000,
[email protected]
BBI Healthcare,Tel: (01792) 229 333, info@
B. Braun Medical Ltd,Tel: (0114) 225 9000,
[email protected]
Beacon Pharmaceuticals Ltd,Tel: (01892) 600
930, [email protected]
Beiersdorf UK Ltd,Tel: (0121) 329 8800
Besins Healthcare (UK) Ltd,Tel: (01748) 828
789, [email protected]
BGP Products Ltd,Tel: (01707) 853 000,
[email protected]
BHR Pharmaceuticals Ltd,Tel: (024) 7637
7210, [email protected]
Bial Pharma UK Ltd,Tel: 01753 916 010,
[email protected]
Biogen Idec Ltd,Tel: 0800 008 7401
Biolitec Pharma Ltd,Tel: (00353) 1463 7415
BioMarin Europe Ltd,Tel: (020) 7420 0800,
[email protected]
BioMonde,Tel: 0845 230 1810, info@
Bio Products Laboratory Ltd,Tel: (020) 8957
2255, [email protected]
Biotest (UK) Ltd,Tel: (0121) 733 3393,
[email protected]
Blackwell Supplies Ltd,Tel: (01634) 877 620
BOC Medical,Tel: 0800 111 333
Boehringer Ingelheim Ltd,Tel: (01344) 424
600, [email protected]
The Boots Company PLC,Tel: (0115) 959 5165
BPC 100 Ltd,Tel: 01942 852085
Brancaster Pharma Ltd,Tel: (01737) 243 407,
[email protected]
Bray Healthcare,Tel: (01367) 240 736, info@
Bristol Laboratories Ltd,Tel: (0) 1442 200
922, [email protected]
Bristol-Myers Squibb Pharmaceuticals Ltd,
Tel: (01895) 523 000, medical.information@
Britannia Pharmaceuticals,Tel: 0870 851
0207, [email protected]
BSN Medical Ltd,Tel: 0845 122 3600
BTG International Ltd,Tel: (0207) 575 0000,
[email protected]
Bullen Healthcare,Tel: 0800 269 327
Cambridge Healthcare Supplies Ltd,Tel:
(01953) 607 856, customerservices@
Cambridge Medical Aesthetics Ltd,Tel:
(01733) 396171, info@
Cambridge Sensors Ltd,Tel: (01480) 482 920,
[email protected]

BNFC 2018 – 2019 Index of proprietary manufacturers 1061

Index of proprietary manufacturers
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