Ubuntu Unleashed 2019 Edition: Covering 18.04, 18.10, 19.04

(singke) #1
matthew@seymour:~$  apt-cache   search  games   |   grep    kde

When you’ve found the package you want to install, run it through apt-get
install as usual. If you first want a little more information about that
package, you can use apt-cache showpkg, like this:

Click here to view code image
matthew@seymour:~$ apt-cache showpkg mysql-server-5.7

This shows information on “reverse depends” (which packages require,
recommend, or suggest mysql-server-5.7), “dependencies” (which
packages are required, recommended, or suggested to install mysql-
server-5.7), and “provides” (which functions this package gives you).
The “provides” list is quite powerful because it allows different packages to
provide given resources. For example, a MySQL database-based program
requires MySQL to be installed, but it isn’t fussy about whether you install
MySQL 4.1 or MySQL 5.7. In this situation, the Debian packages for MySQL
4.1 and MySQL 5.7 would both have mysql-server-4.1 in the provides
list, meaning that they would offer the functionality provided by MySQL 4.1.
Therefore, you could install either version to satisfy the MySQL-based

Using apt Instead of apt-get

There is a new, simplified interface to APT that removes the hyphen and the
second part of the command. It also includes lovely updates like a progress
bar. Table 9.1 lists some of the new commands and what they replace. Both
versions work, so no relearning is necessary if you do not want to switch.

Table 9.1 apt-get Versus apt

apt-get Command apt Command

apt-get install apt install

apt-get remove apt  remove

apt-get update apt  update

apt-get upgrade apt upgrade

apt-get dist-upgrade apt    full-upgrade
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