Ubuntu Unleashed 2019 Edition: Covering 18.04, 18.10, 19.04

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use to scroll forward and backward (even sideways) through the document to
learn more about the command. Type the letter h to get help, use the forward
slash (/) to enter a search string, or press q to quit.

No one can remember everything. Even the best and most experienced
systems administrators use man pages regularly. Looking up complicated
information is easy because this frees you from having to recall it all,
enabling you to focus on your task rather than punishing you for not
remembering syntax.

Nearly every one of the hundreds of commands included with Linux has a
man page; however, some do not have man pages or have only simple ones.
You can use the info command to read more detailed information about
some commands or as a replacement for others. For example, to learn even
more about info (which has a rather extensive manual page), use the
info command like this:

Click here to view code image
matthew@seymour:~$ info info

Use the arrow   keys    to  navigate    through the document    and press   q   to  quit

Using apropros

Linux, like UNIX, is a self-documenting system, with man pages accessible
through the man command. Linux offers many other helpful commands for
accessing its documentation. You can use the apropos command (for
example, with a keyword such as partition) to find commands related to
partitioning, like this:

Click here to view code image
matthew@seymour:~$ apropos partition
addpart (8) - Simple wrapper around the "add partition"
all-swaps (7) - Event signaling that all swap partitions have
been ac...
cfdisk (8) - Curses/slang based disk partition table
manipulator fo...
delpart (8) - Simple wrapper around the "del partition"
fdisk (8) - Partition table manipulator for Linux
gparted (8) - Gnome partition editor for manipulating disk

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