To return to the regular user’s identity, just type the following:
root~# exit
This takes you to the regular user’s prompt:
If you need to allow other users access to certain commands with root
privileges, you must give them the password for the root account (often
referred to as the root password) so that they can use su; that definitely is not
a secure solution. The next section describes a more flexible and secure
method of allowing normal users to perform selected root tasks and the
preferred method for sharing and using super user privileges in Ubuntu.
The su command is often seen as bad because what it is supposed to do is a
bit ambiguous. On one hand, it is supposed to open a new session and
change a number of execution parameters while also inheriting parameters
from the session in which it was issued. It does give you a new execution
shell, but that is not really the same thing as a full login. systemd has
added a new command, machinectl shell, that is intended to do this
“properly,” according to its creators. Because systemd is covered in
Chapter 15, “The Boot Process,” this new command is also covered there.
Granting Root Privileges on Occasion: The sudo
It is often necessary to delegate some of the authority that root wields on a
system. For a large system, this makes sense because no single individual will
always be available to perform super user functions. The problem is that
UNIX permissions come with all-or-nothing authority. Enter sudo, an
application that permits the assignment of one, several, or all the root-only
system commands.
As mentioned earlier, the sudo command is pervasive in Ubuntu because it
is used by default. If you want to get to a root shell, thereby removing the
need to type sudo for every command, just enter sudo -i to get the root
prompt. To return to a normal user prompt, enter exit and press Enter.
Again, this is a bit dangerous because if you are not paying attention and