MCAT Organic Chemistry Review 2018-2019

(singke) #1

Answers to Concept Checks


Symbol Name Describes... Organizational Level Possible  Values
n Principal QN Size Shell 1 to ∞
l Azimuthal QN Shape Subshell 0 to n – 1
ml Magnetic QN Orientation Orbital – l to +l
ms Spin QN Spin —


Bonding orbitals    are more    stable  than    antibonding orbitals.   Therefore,  antibonding orbitals
have higher energy than bonding orbitals.
The differences would be in bond length (shorter in double bond than single), bond energy
(higher in double bond than single), and molecular rigidity (higher in double bond than single).
Triple bond > double bond > σ bond > π bond. Remember that while an individual π bond is
weaker than a σ bond, bond strength is additive. Therefore, double bonds are stronger than
single, and triple bonds are stronger still.

sp orbitals have 50% s character and 50% p character, sp^2 have 33% s character and 67% p
character, and sp^3 have 25% s character and 75% p character.
Resonance structures differ in their placement of electrons in hybridized p-orbitals and require
bond conjugation to delocalize electrons in a molecule. The true electron density is a weighted
average of the resonance structures of a given compound, favoring the most stable structures.

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