MCAT Organic Chemistry Review 2018-2019

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At the end of each chapter, you’ll find 15 MCAT-style practice questions. These are designed to help
you assess your understanding of the chapter you just read. Most of these questions focus on the
first of the Scientific Inquiry and Reasoning Skills (Knowledge of Scientific Concepts and Principles),
although there are occasional questions that fall into the second or fourth SIRS (Scientific
Reasoning and Problem-Solving, and Data-Based and Statistical Reasoning, respectively).


The following is a guide to the five types of sidebars you’ll find in Kaplan MCAT Organic Chemistry

Bridge: These   sidebars    create  connections between science topics  that    appear  in  multiple
chapters throughout the Kaplan MCAT Review series.
Key Concept: These sidebars draw attention to the most important takeaways in a given topic,
and they sometimes offer synopses or overviews of complex information. If you understand
nothing else, make sure you grasp the Key Concepts for any given subject.
MCAT Expertise: These sidebars point out how information may be tested on the MCAT or offer
key strategy points and test-taking tips that you should apply on Test Day.
Mnemonic: These sidebars present memory devices to help recall certain facts.
Real World: These sidebars illustrate how a concept in the text relates to the practice of medicine
or the world at large. While this is not information you need to know for Test Day, many of the
topics in Real World sidebars are excellent examples of how a concept may appear in a passage or
discrete (stand-alone) question on the MCAT.
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