Part II: Working with Formulas and Functions
Capitalize First Letter of Sentences Capitalizes the first letter in a sentence. All other
letters are unchanged.
Capitalize Names of Days Capitalizes the days of the week. If you enter monday, Excel
converts it to Monday.
Correct Accidental Use of cAPS LOCK key Corrects errors caused if you accidentally
pressed the CapsLock key while typing.
Replace Text as You Type AutoCorrect automatically changes incorrect words as you type
Excel includes a long list of AutoCorrect entries for commonly misspelled words. In addi-
tion, it has AutoCorrect entries for some symbols. For example, (c) is replaced with ©,
and (r) is replaced with ®. You can also add your own AutoCorrect entries. For example,
if you find that you frequently misspell the word January as Janruary, you can create an
AutoCorrect entry so that it’s changed automatically. To create a new AutoCorrect entry,
enter the misspelled word in the Replace box and the correctly spelled word in the With
field. You can also delete entries that you no longer need.
You can use the AutoCorrect feature to create shortcuts for commonly used words or phrases. For example, if you
work for a company named Consolidated Data Processing Corporation, you can create an AutoCorrect entry for
an abbreviation, such as cdp. Then, whenever you type cdp, Excel automatically changes it to Consolidated Data
Processing Corporation. Just make sure that you don’t use a combination of characters that might normally appear
in your text and be replaced erroneously.
In some cases, you may want to override the AutoCorrect feature. For example, you may literally need to enter (c)
rather than a copyright symbol. Just click the Undo button on the Quick Access toolbar or press Ctrl+Z.
You can use the AutoFormat as You Type tab of the AutoCorrect dialog box to control a few
other automatic settings in Excel.
The Actions tab enables what were formerly known as Smart Tags for certain types of data
in your worksheets. The types of actions that Excel recognizes vary depending on the types
of software that are installed on your system. For example, if you enable the Financial
Symbol action, you can right-click a cell that contains a financial symbol (such as MSFT,
for Microsoft) and choose Additional Cell Actions, and you’ll be presented with a list of
options. For example, you can insert a refreshable stock price in your worksheet.