Chapter 21: Using Advanced Charting Techniques
Using the Format task pane
When a chart element is selected, use the element’s Format task pane to format or set
options for the element. Each chart element has a unique Format task pane that contains
controls specific to the element (although many Format task panes have controls in com-
mon). To access the Format task pane, use any of these methods:
■ (^) Double-click the chart element.
■ Right-click the chart element and then choose Format xxxx from the shortcut menu
(where xxxx is the name of the element).
■ Select a chart element and then choose Chart Tools ➪ Format ➪ Current Selection
➪ Format Selection.
■ Select a chart element and press Ctrl+1.
Any of these actions displays the Format task pane from which you can make many
changes to the selected chart element. For example, Figure 21.3 shows the task pane that
appears when a chart’s value axis is selected. The task pane is free-floating, not docked.
Note that a scrollbar is displayed, which means that all of the options can’t fit in the verti-
cal space for the task pane.
Use the Format task pane to set the properties of a selected chart element—in this case, the
chart’s value axis.