Chapter 23: Visualizing with Custom Number Formats and Shapes
Although you would typically specify a custom color by name, not all the Visual Basic colors
are pleasing. Visual Basic Green is notoriously difficult to look at (bright neon green). See
for yourself by entering the following code into the Type input box:
The good news is that there are 56 colors defined in the standard color palette by number.
Every color in the standard 56-color palette is represented by a number. To call up a color
by number, you would use [ColorN], where N represents a number from 1 to 56.
In this example, you can use [Color10] to present a much more acceptable green.
Formatting dates and times
Custom number formatting isn’t just for numbers. You can also format dates and times. As
Figure 23.4 illustrates, you use the same dialog box to apply date and time formats using
the Type input box.
Dates and times can also be formatted using the Format Cells dialog box.