Excel 2019 Bible

(singke) #1

Chapter 1: Introducing Excel


Use the dialog box tabs to select different functional areas of the dialog box.

Many of the task panes are complex. The Format Picture task pane has four icons along the
top. Clicking an icon changes the command lists displayed next. Click an item in a com-
mand list, and it expands to show the options.

There’s no OK button in a task pane. When you’re finished using a task pane, click the Close
button (X) in the upper-right corner.

By default, a task pane is docked on the right side of the Excel window, but you can move it
anywhere you like by clicking its title bar and dragging. Excel remembers the last position,
so the next time you use that task pane, it will be right where you left it. To re-dock the
task pane, double-click the task pane’s title bar.

If you prefer to use your keyboard to work within a task pane, you may find that common dialog box keys such as Tab,
spacebar, the arrow keys, and Alt key combinations don’t seem to work. The trick is to press F6. After doing so, you’ll
find that the task pane works well using only a keyboard. For example, use the Tab key to activate a section title and
then press Enter to expand the section.

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