Excel 2019 Bible

(singke) #1

Part IV: Managing and Analyzing Data

You can include time-based information that is rolled up into larger units (such as months
and quarters) in a column outline. Column outlines work just like row outlines, however,
and the levels don’t have to be time based.

Before you create an outline, you need to make sure that all of the summary formulas are
entered correctly and consistently. In this context, consistently means that the formulas are
in the same relative location. Generally, formulas that compute summary formulas (such as
subtotals) are entered below the data to which they refer. In some cases, however, the sum-
mary formulas are entered above the referenced cells. Excel can handle either method, but
you must be consistent throughout the range that you outline. If the summary formulas
aren’t consistent, automatic outlining won’t produce the results you want.

If your summary formulas aren’t consistent (that is, some are above and some are below the data), you still can cre-
ate an outline, but you must do it manually.

Creating an outline automatically
Excel can create an outline for you automatically in a few seconds, whereas it may take you
ten minutes or more to do the same thing manually.

If you’ve created a table for your data (by choosing Insert ➪ Tables ➪ Table), Excel can’t create an outline automati-
cally. You can create an outline from a table, but you must do so manually.

To have Excel create an outline, move the cell pointer anywhere within the range of data
that you’re outlining. Then choose Data ➪ Outline ➪ Group ➪ Auto Outline. Excel analyzes
the formulas in the range and creates the outline. Depending on the formulas that you
have, Excel creates a row outline, a column outline, or both.

If the worksheet already has an outline, Excel asks whether you want to modify the exist-
ing outline. Click Yes to force Excel to remove the old outline and create a new one.

Excel automatically creates an outline when you choose Data ➪ Outline ➪ Subtotal, which inserts subtotal formulas

Creating an outline manually
Usually, letting Excel create the outline is the best approach. It’s much faster and less error
prone. If the outline that Excel creates isn’t what you have in mind, however, you can cre-
ate one manually.
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