Zero Limits ( PDFDrive )

(The Reality Seeker) #1
can be humanizing
I felt electrically alive
No power in any room
in any house
up and down the street
No news of restoration
We bathed in the hot tub
dined outdoors on wine and cheese
conversed in hushed tones
and watched stars
A blackout on Deer Canyon Road
in Arroyo Grande, California—
unusual, luxurious—so not like
a blackout in Buffalo or Baghdad
Evelyn Cole
The Whole-Mind Writer

After I learned about Ho’oponopono from Dr. Hew Len and Dr.Vitale,
I found out that my business is about constantly cleansing.When I
cleanse and get back to zero, business runs smoothly. I’m constantly
clearing and constantly getting back to zero, and Dr. Hew Len taught
me how to do that.
I took a business colleague to meet Dr. Hew Len and Dr.Vitale and
found we have so much in common that we went out on a date that same
night. Eight months later we are more in love than ever.The key is to be
with like-minded people and to forgive and transform.Thank you, Dr.
Hew Len and Dr.Vitale, for bringing Ho’oponopono to a larger audience.
Also thanks for being the perfect meeting place to meet my love of my life.
Chris “The Prosperity Guy” Stewart

The Evidence 101

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