Zero Limits ( PDFDrive )

(The Reality Seeker) #1
my mind to the Divine, while holding a sense of my book in my
heart. Later, when I got home and saw my book, I picked it up and
held it to my heart, hugging it, loving it, asking for forgiveness for
not appreciating it just for being.

Later, driving Dr. Hew Len to my home area in Wimberley,Texas, he
said he saw an elf in me.
“A what?”
“An elf,” he repeated.
I’m used to him seeing things that I don’t see. He wouldn’t call it
psychic ability but just an unfolding in each moment.
“The elf has big eyes and big ears. He wants to stay inside and
not go out in public.”
“That’s the part of me that wants to stay at home and work on
my computer and not interact with people.”
“There’s another part of you that likes the limelight, though.”
“Two-thirds of me wants to be on Larry Kingand Oprahand get
the attention,” I confessed, “but another part wants to stay indoors
and be reclusive.”
“Your elf will keep you sane,” Dr. Hew Len explained. “People
who want nothing but stardom will drive themselves crazy. People
who want nothing but living in a cave keep their light under a
bushel basket.You have balance.”
Later that day, I told Nerissa, my love, about my elf.
“What is the part of you called that likes to be onstage?” she asked.
“I don’t know.”
She reflected for a moment and said,“I think it’s called Sprite.”
“Yes, Sprite. It seems to fit.”
I laughed and had to agree. The next day, when I told Dr. Hew
Len that Nerissa named my extrovert part Sprite, he laughed out
loud and loved it.
“Sprite likes the light,” he sang.

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