Zero Limits ( PDFDrive )

(The Reality Seeker) #1
He’s right, of course. As long as I stay open to ideas from the Di-
vine, they keep coming. Besides the Fit-A-Rita product, I also re-
ceived an idea for “clearing mats.”These are mats you place your food
on to clean it and you before you dine. (See
But I didn’t stop there. Dr. Hew Len received an idea, too.
“I’ve never seen a web site that cleans people while they sit and
look at it,” he told me. “Let’s make our web site for our book just
that. When people go there, they are being cleaned by what we in-
fuse in the site.”
We did just that, too. See it at
There’s no end to the amount of ideas and money you can re-
ceive once you let go of your need and allow it all to come to you.
The key, as always, is to just keep cleaning, cleaning, cleaning.

“What should therapists do when they see clients?” I asked, wanting
to probe for specific methods in helping people to heal.
“Just love them,” Dr. Hew Len replied.
“But what if someone comes to you because they were trauma-
tized at some point and they aren’t over it?” I asked, wanting to back
Dr. Hew Len into a corner and force him to squeeze out some
method I could use.
“All everyone wants is to be loved,” he said. “Isn’t that what you
want? It doesn’t matter what you say or do as long as you love the
“So I could be a Jungian or a Freudian or a Reichian or any-
thing else?”
“It doesn’t matter,” he stressed. “What matters is that you love
the person because they are a part of you, and your loving them will
help erase and clean and clear the program activated in their life.”
I wasn’t settling for that answer, though I could see his point.
“But what if someone is certifiably crazy?”
“I had a woman come to me who was considered schizophrenic,”
he began.“I asked her to tell me her story.You have to understand that

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