Zero Limits ( PDFDrive )

(The Reality Seeker) #1
felt I could speak to 25 easier than I could to 2,500. Besides, I had
never done this seminar before. In fact, I had no idea how to do it.
I told Dr. Hew Len about the inspiration and my concerns.
“My only advice is to not plan,” he said.
“But I always plan,” I explained. “I write out my talks, create
power points, and have handouts. I feel better when I know where
I’m going in my talks.”
“You’ll feel better once you trust the Divine to take care of you,”
he countered.“We’ll clean on this.”
By that I knew he meant that because the issue came into his ex-
perience, it meant it was something he needed to clear, too. Again,
everything is shared. Your experience is my experience, and vice
versa, once we are aware of it.

I did my best to not plan the event. I gave in to my fears at one point
and created a manual to hand out to everyone. But I didn’t use it and
never looked at it. And no one cared about it.
I began the event by saying, “I have no idea what to do at this
Everyone laughed.
“No, really,” I said.“I have no idea what to say.”
They all laughed again.
I then proceeded to tell everyone about Dr. Hew Len, ho’o-
ponopono, and how the statement “You create your own reality”
means more than they might have thought.
“When someone is in your life that you don’t like,” I explained,
“you created that. If you create your own reality, then you created
them, too.”
The weekend was wonderful. Even today, when I look at the
group picture of everyone from that event, I feel the love we all
shared.You can see this picture at
But this was only the beginning for me.
I still had much to learn.

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