DouayRheims-The Holy Bible

(T Hoang) #1

Book of Judges 303

thou wilt deliver the children of Ammon into my
31 Whosoever shall first come forth out of the
doors of my house, and shall meet me, when I
return in peace from the children of Ammon, the
same will I offer a holocaust to the Lord.
32 And Jephte passed over to the children of
Ammon to fight against them: and the Lord de-
livered them into his hands.
33 And he smote them from Aroer till you
come to Mennith, twenty cities, and as far as
Abel, which is set with vineyards, with a very
great slaughter: and the children of Ammon were
humbled by the children of Israel.
34 And when Jephte returned into Maspha,
to his house, his only daughter met him with
timbrels and with dances: for he had no other
35 And when he saw her, he rent his garments,
and said: Alas! my daughter, thou hast deceived
me, and thou thyself art deceived: for I have
opened my mouth to the Lord, and I can do no
other thing.
36 And she answered him: My father, if thou
hast opened thy mouth to the Lord, do unto me
whatsoever thou hast promised, since the victory
hath been granted to thee, and revenge of thy
37 And she said to her father: Grant me only
this, which I desire: Let me go, that I may go
about the mountains for two months, and may
bewail my virginity with my companions.
38 And he answered her: Go. And he sent
her away for two months. And when she was
gone with her comrades and companions, she
mourned her virginity in the mountains.
39 And the two months being expired, she re-
turned to her father, and he did to her as he had
vowed, and she knew no man. From thence came
a fashion in Israel, and a custom has been kept:

40 That, from year to year, the daughters of
Israel assemble together, and lament the daugh-
ter of Jephte the Galaadite, for four days.

Chapter 12

But behold there arose a sedition in Ephraim.
And passing towards the north, they said to
Jephte: When thou wentest to fight against the
children of Ammon, why wouldst thou not call
us, that we might go with thee? Therefore we
will burn thy house.
2 And he answered them: I and my people
were at great strife with the children of Ammon:
and I called you to assist me, and you would not
do it.
3 And when I saw this, I put my life in my
own hands, and passed over against the children
of Ammon and the Lord delivered them into my
hands. What have I deserved, that you should
rise up to fight against me?
4 Then calling to him all the men of Galaad,
he fought against Ephraim: and the men of
Galaad defeated Ephraim, because he had said:
Galaad is a fugitive of Ephraim, and dwelleth in
the midst of Ephraim and Manasses.
5 And the Galaadites secured the fords of the
Jordan, by which Ephraim was to return. And
when any one of the number of Ephraim came
thither in the flight, and said: I beseech you let
me pass: the Galaadites said to him: Art thou
not an Ephraimite? If he said: I am not:
6 They asked him: Say then, Scibboleth,
which is interpreted, An ear of corn. But he an-
swered, Sibboleth, not being able to express an
ear of corn by the same letter. Then presently
they took him and killed him in the very pas-
sage of the Jordan. And there fell at that time
of Ephraim, two and forty thousand.
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