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be real feelings on your end that indicate to you,
okay, this could be real. In addition to all that, you
also need to go one step deeper. You also need to
have your own connection with God and get
confirmation on his claim.

Let me tell you something. It doesn’t matter if it’s
a man telling you, you’re his wife, a pastor
prophesying over you, or church members giving
you a good word based on what they feel is good,
loving advice. These people aren’t God. You still
must have your own relationship where you go to
God directly and verify what’s being told to you.

Go to God yourself in prayer and ask for
verification, “Hey God. Is such-n-such supposed to be
my husband? God is our connection real? Is this the
relationship you want me to embrace? Is this who
you want me to be with?” Then you need to wait and
listen for God to give you the green light. If not, it
doesn’t make sense moving forward with him.

Now, you might be thinking, “Well, I don’t know
if I can hear God,” or “I don’t ever hear God
speaking to me,” or “When I do pray about these
things, I don’t get a clear answer.”

HE SAYS God Told Him You’re His Wife 103

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