
([email protected]) #1

often couldn’t talk and would take forever to return
her call.

Alicia felt there was a lack of attention and a lack
of interest on Michael’s part as a result. This started
to bother her, but you know, Alicia really liked
Michael and when they did talk it was great
conversation. They had a lot in common and she
really felt like it was worth her trying to deal with.
Even though she didn’t like it, she put up with it,
and they continued to date.

Time goes on and nothing changed. Eventually,
Alicia felt the need to say something to Michael
about the issue. She brought the issue to his

“Michael, I feel like you aren’t giving me enough
of your time.” Alicia mentioned to him as calmly as
she could one night during dinner.

“Alicia, I really like you from what I’ve
experienced so far. I really want to see this go
somewhere, but at the same time, I’m a really busy
guy and I just don’t have the time that you need
from me right now.” Michael replied.


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