could be more demanding on the other person
without knowing it. Due to having a lot more time
on your hands, you desire or require more time from
your partner simply because you’re bored. Your
request for more time has to do with you trying to
fill up your day. You want more of their attention
because you’re not doing anything else.
I want you to think about this for a second. If you
find yourself in this situation right now, consider
your position as well as his. Be aware of when this is
the case and not the fact that he isn’t giving you
adequate time. When your need for more time is not
really a need, but a desire because you have nothing
else going on, this isn’t fair to him. You’re creating
an issue where no issue really exists. Even though it
might be difficult for you to admit, it’s necessary. If
you’re in this situation, you need to pull back and
figure out what’s missing in your life and what you
need to do about it.
A relationship is meant to enhance and add to
what you already have going on. You’re never
supposed to make a relationship or a man your
entire world. It’s very important for you to create
proper balance in your life. Having proper balance