He confides in you that he honestly has an issue and
is generally clueless or uncomfortable with showing
his feelings. Okay, cool. You now need to ask him
the question, “What are you going to do about it?”
Just because he has an issue in this area, it’s still
not acceptable for him to continue this way. He
should be willing to do something about it if he really
does love you and is serious about the relationship
progressing. He might need to go to counseling. He
might need you to communicate the ways you need
to feel loved and you all might need to create a
structure to where he’s able to practice acting out his
feelings. Whatever it takes, he must be willing to take
steps to correct the issue and do something about it.
Depending on whether or not he’s willing to
correct the issue, I would say to you, “Be patient
with him. Work with him because he’s willing to
now put in the effort.” If it’s the latter and he just
wants you to feel sorry for him and uses his issue as
an excuse, justifying that’s just the way he is. I would
say to you, “Save yourself and walk away.” If he
continues making excuses, shoots down your
suggestions, or simply tries to validate his behavior,
your next step needs to be to move on. Period.