This time though, during an argument, he ends up
breaking up with her. Kate didn’t expect it. She
didn’t like it. She was hurt. Let’s face it, no one likes
getting dumped. She just figured, she wouldn’t sweat
it. She was done with him this time for good and
now he confirmed it by breaking up with her. Cool.
A week later, he’s at it again. Begging and
pleading for her to take him back.
This pretty much remains the cycle. They’re
together. They get into too many arguments. She
leaves. He leaves. He comes back. Justin always came
back no matter who broke it off.
In one of our coaching sessions, I remember Kate
telling me, she wasn’t sure anymore how to get off
the emotional rollercoaster that was their
relationship. She wasn’t sure if she needed to let go
once and for all or if the fact that he kept coming
back, the fact that he was trying so hard despite all
the mess-ups, was proof that he really loved her. She
wasn’t sure if he just didn’t know how to handle the
relationship and his emotions. This was the
justification that other people were giving her and
putting in her head for why she should consider
staying in a relationship with Justin.