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Aachment begins in childhood and is essenally the bond that
forms between a baby and his parents or caregivers. Having an
aachment figure is crical for healthy development because it
provides a baby with a secure base that protects them, provides
for their needs and helps them to regulate their emoons..
It is the aachment figure that helps to soothe or calm the infant.
Think about what a toddler does when he's afraid of a stranger. He
hurries back to his aachment figure and holds on to her legs, So,
this aachment behavioral system is in place to ensure the survival
of helpless infants. But what does this have to do with geng your
man emoonally aached to you?
Well, as it turns out, the aachment that develops between infants
and caregivers is a funcon of the same aachment behavioral
system that bonds or aaches romanc partners. In other words,
the same physiological systems that aach babies to their parents
is responsible for aachment in adult romanc relaonships. And,
this aachment develops and is strengthened in much the same
way, through the same processes. Now stay with me here because
this is where it gets really good.
On the surface, it might seem kinda weird. The bond between
babies and parents – and the bond between romanc partners
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