CDB08D100A80451996F115A9C5BDC431_The Book Of Love eBook-1_PDOC

([email protected]) #1

You see, she had been in a relaonship that wasn't good for her
and she realized she needed to move on but she felt like she
couldn’t. It was too painful to lose him. She would tell me things
“I can’t stop thinking about him...”
“Everything I do reminds me of him and it’s just making it worse.”
“I feel like I’ll never be happy again.”
She would mask the pain by spending all her me watching Nelix
or eang ice cream. But most of the me she was thinking about
him and felt an empness in her heart and I felt for her. I know
what it’s like to lose a relaonship you cared so much about. Can
you relate to how she was feeling?
So although I was almost ready to stop working as a relaonship
coach, I figured I could sll help my friend get over her ex. We
started having some calls and I basically ended up giving her three
simple steps.I knew that if she did these three things, she would
be able to get over him and start feeling happy again and
eventually start looking for the right guy for her.I helped her and
within a couple weeks she had her vibrant smile back. She was
over her guy and she was starng to feel happy again.
And that's when something weird happened...
This guy that was completely ignoring her, treang her like crap,
and basically taking advantage of her, the guy that she wanted to
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