CDB08D100A80451996F115A9C5BDC431_The Book Of Love eBook-1_PDOC

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So keep this example in mind as I explain the first step which is to
ask yourself this queson:

  1. Do You share the same relaonship Values and goals.
    Having your relaonship values and goals in alignment means that
    you and your partner are on the same page, You both know what
    you want, you are compable, and you know what you wish to
    accomplish in the relaonship. Both of you are firmly commied to
    achieving these goals.
    Knowing that you are on the same page is the first step in the
    secret to geng what you want from him. Because if he's not on
    the same page, he's certainly not going to meet your needs with
    any consistency. It doesn’t maer how much chemistry you share.
    It doesn’t maer how aracted you are to one another.. and it
    doesn’t maer how much fun you have together. A relaonship is
    not going to work if both partners don’t have similar visions of
    what their futures look like as well as the commitment to achieving
    those goals together.
    And in the case of Jared and Jenny, they did not want the same
    things. Jenny wanted a mature, exclusive and commied
    relaonship and although Jared liked Jenny and had fun with her,
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