You’ve been consistently seeing him on the weekends, and you’ve
been on a few dates on a weekday. And this is important... you
have established plans with him for Friday and Saturday night.
Today is Wednesday, and this morning on the phone he men oned
that he was going to try to get out of work early and maybe the
two of you could get dinner together. However, instead of ge ng
off of work early, he texts you and tells you that he has to work
late and he’s really red.
Now... what are the things that are going to go through your mind?
If you have a cri cal inner voice, it starts telling you “where is he
really? I bet he doesn’t really have to work late. Maybe he’s going
out with friends instead of going to dinner with me. Maybe he just
doesn’t want to see me. Last week he wanted to see me even
though he worked late. Maybe he’s losing interest...” Can you
relate? These thoughts can snowball in your mind un l you’re
feeling insecure, furious or paranoid.
And, how will that now influence your interac ons with him? You
may act angry or cold, which then sets him off to feel frustrated
and defensive. Pre y soon, you’ve completely shi ed the dynamic
between you and it makes you further inves gate and analyze
everything that happens between you. And all of this is based on
some false beliefs that you’ve had because of the cri cal and
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