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with your ex. It also means that you stop following them on social
media. Aer all, you don’t want reminders of your ex popping up
on your news feed and Instagram feed every day. And I know, I
know, many of you are probably thinking, why am I trying to break
my dependence on him if I’m trying to get back with him. Well
there are three crical reasons why you must break the
dependence and go no contact for a period of me, usually 30
days or so.
Reason 1: The no-contact rule forces him to experience life

without you

When you follow the no contact rule, you give him the me and
space to miss you. This can only happen in your absence, not in
your presence. And not only does he have to experience missing
you, he has to experience the fear of losing you. If you are in
constant contact with him, not only will he not miss you, he'll have
the security that you are right there waing for him to change his
mind. If he asked for the break up, give it to him. Let him see what
life is like without you.
Reason 2: You will remember that you can live without him
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