grow as a person and your rela onship will be stronger because of
Reason 3: Focus On You And Don’t Lose Hope
When you’re dealing with the loss of a roman c rela onship, there
are so many compe ng emo ons you might be feeling: shock,
anger, fear, and shame. But whatever you are feeling is normal for
you at that me. Don’t try to suppress those feelings or numb
them with drugs or alcohol. Let yourself grieve the rela onship.
This process is necessary for healing and emerging stronger.
You’ve got to go through the feelings, not around them.
During this period of no contact and beyond, it's important to
work on yourself. On your mind, body, and soul. This one is super
important. No contact will be of no use unless you try to make a
posi ve change in your life during this me. So redirect all the
a en on and energy you put into the rela onship back onto you
and focus on becoming your best self. Because while we are in a
rela onship our focus o en shi s from “me” to “we” - so much of
your a en on, focus, and energy goes towards the rela onship
and other people.
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