Being more mindful of these things not only helps us to improve
the quality of our life, but your rela onship with yourself grows
when you focus on it and spend quality me alone. When you
focus on you, you’re more likely to recognize the things that are
undermining your well-being and happiness. Don’t forget that.
Take advantage of your me for yourself — you’ll thank yourself
So there you have it. Eight steps to overcome your broken heart
and to a new and improved you. If you're hur ng right now. I
promise that if you prac ce those eight things, you'll feel be er. It
doesn't happen overnight, but it will happen. Take care of you, and
nurture your rela onships with your friends and family.
Chapter 14: Cheers to a New
We all want to find a partner in life to make it so much more
worth living. The experiences we share on this journey are only
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