Likewise, a person who is able to relate to themselves in this
manner is prac cing a high level of self-a achment.
Loving parents also enjoy spending quality me engaging with or
playing with their children. They feel warm inside when they think
of their child and at peace when they know that their child is
happy. When you are able to relate to yourself in this manner, then
you are prac cing self-affec on. Can you see where I’m going with
Parents are suppor ve of their children and hold high—but
realis c— expecta ons of them. A er all, a good parent wants
their child to excel and succeed. When your child makes mistakes
or gets into trouble, you don’t devalue them or love them any less.
Instead, you help them to understand and learn from their
mistakes through nurturing and support. Being able to treat
yourself in these ways is prac cing posi ve self-regard.
A loving parent knows that their child is valuable as a person and is
confident in their belief that their child can make a great life for
themselves. Rela ng to yourself in this way is engaging in the
prac ce of self-worth.
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