honestly reflect on your situa on as you would if your best friend
were sharing their story with you. Remember, in good mes and
bad, a best friend simply wants what’s best for us, without a
hidden agenda.
When things are going well, a best friend is there to share in your
happiness. But they also stand by you through tough mes and
challenges. And, if someone is trea ng you badly or taking
advantage of you, your best friend is there to stand up for your
rights. And this is how you use the best friend test.
As you begin da ng a new person, you are likely to be confronted
by unforeseen situa ons that make you feel uneasy. And when
you are unsure of how to respond to these situa ons, you can use
“The Best Friend Test” to help you make a decision.
The Best Friend Test is a simple litmus test where you imagine
how you would support a best friend in the same situa on. Think
about your best friend and imagine that they are struggling and
stuck in the same situa on that you are faced with. What would
you say to them? How would you advise or support them? Then,
say these things to yourself and act on the situa on. And fight the
urge to use self-jus fica on or to ignore what your best friend
would advise, make the decision, and then act on it.
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