CDB08D100A80451996F115A9C5BDC431_The Book Of Love eBook-1_PDOC

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you have plans with friends. Don’t break your plans for his last
minute request.
This will force him to recognize that your me is valuable and he
needs to put you first not a last because he has nothing else to do.
This is super important.. if you have done these first steps
correctly, your boyfriend will definitely recognize a change and will
probably become concerned and might even object to these
changes. That’s a good thing. You want him to recognize and
remember that he has an amazing woman.
I know these ps are difficult to do because you are worried that
these changes will upset him or perhaps you are worried that
he'sn’t going to contact you or iniate communicaons. Those
fears are all normal but you must trust that if he cares about you, if
he's the one for you, these ps will work like magic. Remember the
self love lesson - this is when it becomes important to pracce self
love. When you implement these ps, you are going to noce
some big changes. In the next chapter, we are going to talk about
the pedestal principle which will really take things to the next
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