CDB08D100A80451996F115A9C5BDC431_The Book Of Love eBook-1_PDOC

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Chapter 6:

The Indifference Method

In the last chapter, we talked about the second step in the
commitment formula, the pedestal principle. Now, in this chapter,
we are going to talk about the third step in the commitment
formula: The Indifference Method. But first, let me tell you the
goals of each of the steps and then I’ll get into the last step.
Remember, the purpose of the first step is to get your man to
noce a change in your behavior and to miss you. This is
accomplished when you pull back and stop iniang
communicaons with him and instead of allowing him to pursue
you. The second step, also known as the pedestal principal is
designed to truly put yourself first and priorize your life. Again,
the pedestal principle is about praccing self love. When you do
this, he'll certainly take noce of the change in your behavior and
he'll wonder what is going on. Now the third step in the
commitment formula it’s called the indifference method. The
purpose of the indifference method is to shock him into
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