CDB08D100A80451996F115A9C5BDC431_The Book Of Love eBook-1_PDOC

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Perhaps he just needs a lile more me to be sure. So give him
some me, not forever, but decide on a me frame and give him
that me. Of course do not tell him that you are giving him a
meline. Instead, give yourself a personal me frame and keep it
to yourself. Doing so accomplishes several things.
First, it shows him that you respect his decision making process. It
also shows him that he's worth the wait, and it allows him to
develop a deeper connecon with you. And that might be exactly
what he needs. So, give yourself a me frame of 6 weeks... maybe
two months and, in the meanme, you’re going to be doing all of
these ps. On the other hand, if you’ve already been together for
6 months, you sll need to give yourself a meline and an
opportunity for the commitment formula to work. In that case,
only 2-4 weeks is what I would recommend.

2. Stop Thinking About and Talking About

Commitment For Now

As I explained in the previous chapters, while you are praccing
the commitment formula and during the me frame that you’ve
established, you have to stop talking about and thinking about
commitment. you’ve already had the discussion and you are on
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