Volume and Open Interest
two white boxes. The last step is to locate the closest peak or peaks above the area
of intersection. This will potentially represent the most significant and reliable
resistance level within the price formation. To locate the most significant support
level, we locate the closest trough or troughs below the area of intersection. This
will potentially represent the most significant and reliable support level within the
price formation. We see both significant support and resistance levels acting as ef-
fective barriers to price action on the daily chart of 3M Co.
Volume to bar range (spread) relationship The relationship between bar
range (spread) and volume may also be used to forecast potential breakouts and
The four basic combinations of bar range and volume are:
- Narrow range on low volume (Low Volume Rest Bar): Indicates a potential
for reversal especially during a strong and rapid up or downtrend. For weak to
average trends, it tends to indicate a point of rest. It reflects a lack of participa-
tion. See Example 1 in Figure 6.30. - Narrow range on high volume (High Volume Reversal Bar): Indicates a strong
potential for a reversal. In an uptrend, price remains confined to a narrow
range on very large volume. If the volume represented buying pressure, the
range would be much wider. Hence, this is indicative of sellers attempting to
take control. It is a bearish signal. The converse applies for downtrends. See
Example 2 in Figure 6.30. - Wide range on low volume (Low Volume Reversal Bar): Indicates a potential
for reversal as the large price move was backed or supported by a relatively
low amount of participation. It reflects a lack of interest. The longer the price
bar on low volume, the more bearish it is in an uptrend and bullish in a
downtrend. See Example 3 in Figure 6.30. - Wide range on high volume (High Volume Continuation Bar): Indicates a po-
tential for continuation as the large price move was backed and supported by a
very large amount of participation, that is, interest in seeing price continue. It is
bullish in an uptrend and bearish in a downtrend. See Example 4 in Figure 6.30.
fIgure 6.30 Volume‐Bar Range Relationship.