The Handbook of Technical Analysis + Test Bank_ The Practitioner\'s Comprehensive Guide to Technical Analysis ( PDFDrive )

(sohrab1953) #1

Confirmed trendlines, 155
Confluences, 375, 381, 384, 399, 409, 414, 415–417,

  1. See also Clusters
    Consensus Bullish Sentiment Index, 791
    Conservation of risk, 886–887
    Consolidation-based chart patterns, 107
    Consolidations, 103–104, 107, 141, 820–821
    Constant volume charts, 199
    Constant-range charts, 76–77
    Constant-time charts, 73–76
    Constant-transaction charts, 78
    Constant-volatility charts, 78–79
    Constant-volume charts, 77–78
    Consumer Confidence Index (CCI), 788, 790
    Containment. See Price containment
    Contango, 92
    Contingent orders, 148
    independent of price direction, 280–281
    wave degrees and, 278–280
    Continuation divergence. See Reverse divergence
    Continuation gaps, 166
    Continuation patterns, 211, 216–217, 400, 575–578.
    See also Chart patterns
    Continuation trendlines, 159
    Continuation-momentum approach, 13
    Continuity of trend action, 135
    Continuous contracts, 89
    Contract for Difference (CFD), 42
    Contrarian behavior, 312, 780–781, 815
    Contrarian-reversal approach, 13
    bullish vs. bearish, 175–178
    interpretations of, 281–282
    slope analysis and, 282–285
    Corrections, 131
    Corrective triangles, 680–682
    Corrective Waves, 421–423, 674, 678–682
    COT report, 207–208, 343–344, 786–787
    Cover, 9
    Crossovers, 455
    equilibrium, 243–246
    signal line, 246
    triggering, 764
    Cup and handle formation, 537–538
    Curve fitting, 917
    Cycle amplitude, 132–133, 714
    Cycle analysis, 170, 713–731
    business cycles, 719
    cycle frequency, 451, 715
    cycle inversion, 723–724
    cycle period, 133–134, 252–253, 715
    cycle phase, 715
    cycle resonance, 715
    dominant wave cycle, 725–726
    for forecasting reversals and continuations,
    indicator cycles, 718

integrating candlesticks with, 579
lookback period calculations, 725–726
market cycles, 718–719
and market phases, 122–123
price cycle identification methods, 726–731
principles of, 720–724
reversal trendlines, 716
right translation/left translation, 724
seasonal cycles, 719–720

Dalton, James, 667
Dark cloud cover, 549, 560–561
Darvas Box, 13, 469, 489, 854
Data collection and organization, 843–845
bearish indications, 845
bullish indications, 844–845
Data drop-off effect, 254–255
Data periodicity, 449–451
Data series, main vs. supporting, 268
Day orders, 148
Day trading, 826
Death Cross, 455
Demand index, 179
DeMark trendlines, 162–163
Derivatives, 42, 847
Descending triangles, 522–523
Detrended volume, 179
Detrending, 258, 317–319, 452–454, 730–731, 764
Detrending, double, 258, 317–318, 453
Diagonal triangles, 676–678
DiNapoli double repo pattern, 229
Direction, in divergence analysis, 268–272
Directionality of trends, 168–169
Dispersion, 743–745, 746, 750, 853
Displaced moving averages, 436–438, 644, 729
Distribution phase, 55, 102–103
Divergence, 244, 253, 760
Bollinger Bandwidth, 347–349
bullish vs. bearish, 175–178, 246–247, 292–306
complex, 317
concept of, 272–290
defining, 268–272
double, 313–317
examples of, 338–354
inter contract, 342–343
inter market, 339–342
inter moving average, 317–319, 347
inter regression line, 349
interpretations of, 281–282
as leading indicator, 319–320
master heuristic, 307
multiple, 317
open interest, 349–350
oscillator to oscillator, 350–352
overlay to overlay indicator divergence, 346–349
price to market breadth, 352–354
price to moving average, 346
price to net commercials, 343–344
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