THE HAnDBook of TECHniCAl AnAlysis
18.4 Corrective Waves
There are four types of corrective waves, namely the:
- Zigzag
- Flat
- Triangle
- Any combination of zigzag, flat, or triangle
As a rule, a zigzag subdivides into three waves and unfolds as impulsive five‐, a
corrective three‐, and another impulsive five‐wave formation (5‐3‐5). Wave A subdi-
vides into either an impulsive wave or leading diagonal triangle, while wave C sub-
divides into either an impulsive wave or ending diagonal triangle. Wave B subdivides
into a zigzag, flat, triangle, or any combination of the three corrective waves. In a
zigzag, wave B must not extend beyond the beginning of wave A. In most cases, wave
C extends beyond the end of wave A in a zigzag corrective pattern. See Figure 18.7.
figure 18.6 Leading and Ending Expanding Diagonal Triangles.
figure 18.7 Zigzag Corrective Pattern.