thE hAnDbook of tEchnicAL AnALySiS
significant directional discrepancy, as the slopes of all data series are moving in the
same general direction, namely either up or down, when diverging and converging
at the current larger trend. They do not exhibit motion in opposing directions,
based on the definition of direction given in Section 9.1.2.
In Figure 9.19, we observe the slopes of two data series diverging from each
other between time lines A and B, and subsequently converging on each other
between B and C. This time, however, significant directional discrepancy exists
as the slopes of both data series are now moving in opposing directions, with
one rising and the other declining, when diverging and converging at the current
larger trend.
From these examples, we may conclude that, at the current larger trend:
■ (^) Two data series may move away from, or toward each other, in the same
general direction giving rise to directionally aligned slope divergence and con-
vergence, respectively.
■ (^) Two data series may move away from, or toward each other, in opposing
directions giving rise to non‐directionally aligned slope divergence and con-
vergence, respectively.
Figures 9.17 to 9.19 depict general trends, where it is clear that successive
peaks and troughs in each data series are moving in the same direction, regardless
of whether there is divergence or convergence with some other data series. We
already know that when attempting to determine direction for general trends, we
may use conventional trend or multiple peak and trough analysis, that is, identi-
fying successively higher peaks and troughs for uptrends and successively lower
peaks and troughs for downtrends.
Figure 9.19 Non‐Directionally Aligned Divergence and Convergence.