Fibonacci Number and Ratio Analysis
The 100 percent upside projection level is:
= + ×
=+ ×
Higher Trough Price Range Projection Ratio
C Price Range
( )
( 1.. )
$ ($. )
1 0
85 30
The 461.8 percent upside projection level is:
= + ×
=+ ×
Higher Trough Price Range Projection Ratio
C Price Range 4
( )
( .. )
$ ($. )
85 30 4 618
223 54
10.7.2 Calculating potential support via Fibonacci
Downside projection Levels
When calculating Fibonacci downside projection levels, we use the lower signifi-
cant peak at point C as the base for the projection.
Assume that the significant peak and trough of an observed price range are
point A and point B, respectively. Assume that the peak at point A is at the price
level of $200, the trough at point B is at $150, and the lower significant peak at
point C is at $180. Refer to Figure 10.31 as a visualization guide.
The formula for calculating downside projection levels above a given price
range is:
Lower Peak (Price Range Projection Ratio)− ×
In our example, the observed the price range AB is:
Price Range Peak Trough
200 150
$ $
(Note: We always subtract the trough from the peak, regardless of whether it
is for a downside or upside projection calculation, as the price range must always
be a positive value.)
The 61.8 percent downside projection level is:
= − ×
=− ×
Lower Peak Price Range Projection Ratio
C Price Range 0 61