Point‐and‐Figure Charting
bullish and bearish Catapults
The catapult pattern is probably the most well‐known complex pattern in Point‐
and‐Figure charting. It consists of two formations, that is, a triple top or bottom
and a double top or bottom. For example, a bullish catapult starts off with a break-
out of a triple top, which is followed by a retreat back into the triple top formation.
It then catapults beyond the original triple top breakout and forms a tentative
Figure 15.31 A Basic Three‐Box Reversal Bullish Triangle Breakout on a Point‐and‐
Figure Chart of Pitney Bowes, Inc.
Courtesy of Stockcharts.com
Figure 15.32 A Basic Three‐Box Reversal Bearish Triangle by Way of Breakout.