USMLE Step 2 CK Lecture Notes 2019: Obstetrics/Gynecology (Kaplan Test Prep)

(Kiana) #1


The nonstress test (NST) assesses the frequency of fetal movements using an
external fetal heart rate (FHR) monitoring device to detect the presence or
absence of accelerations. These are abrupt increases in FHR above the baseline
lasting <2 min and are unrelated to contractions. The criteria vary by gestational

They are mediated by the sympathetic nervous system and always occur in
response to fetal movements. Interpretation: accelerations are always

<32 weeks,  the increase    should  be  ≥10 beats/min   lasting ≥10 s
>32 weeks, the increase should be ≥15 beats/min lasting ≥15 s

Reactive    NST requires    the presence    of  2   accelerations   in  a   20  min window  of
time meeting the above criteria. This is reassuring and highly predictive for
fetal well-being. Fetal death rate is only 3 per 1,000 in the next week.
Management is weekly NST.
Nonreactive NST is diagnosed when any criteria for reactivity are not met:
either the number of accelerations in 20 min or the amplitude or duration of
the acceleration. 80% of nonreactive NSTs are false positives (meaning the
fetus is not hypoxemic). Nonhypoxemic causes include fetal sleep,
prematurity, drug effects, and CNS anomalies. Management is fetal
vibroacoustic stimulation to see whether this results in reactivity. If the NST is
persistently nonreactive, perform a biophysical profile.
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