1 What’s the difference between color correction and color grading?
2 How can you key out a background in After Effects?
3 When would you use the mask tracker?
Review answers
1 Color correction is performed to correct errors in white balance and exposure or to ensure color
consistency from one shot to another. Color grading is more subjective; its goals are to
optimize the source material, to focus attention on a key element in the shot, or to create a
color palette to match the visual look the director prefers.
2 There are multiple options in After Effects for keying out a background. In this lesson, you
used Keylight (1.2) and the Color Range effect to key out the background so that you could
replace it with another.
3 Use the mask tracker when you need to track a mask that does not change shape, but that does
change position, scale, or rotation through a clip. For example, you can use it to track a person
in an action shot, a wheel, or an area of the sky.