Adobe After Effects CC Classroom in a Book (2019 Release), First Edition

(Barré) #1
Fractal Noise 134
Gaussian Blur 264 , 361
Glow 234
Hue/Saturation 232
Lens Flare 164 , 364
missing 14
motion blur 86
Ramp 363
Refine Hard Matte 229
Refine Soft Matte 229
Timewarp 366
Wave Warp 138

Effects & Presets panel 19 , 20

Ellipse tool

creating a vignette with 193
using to create a mask 194 , 362

encoding presets in Adobe Media Encoder 382

end bracket, setting for the work area 69

Essential Graphics panel

about 272 , 278
adding checkboxes to 282 – 284
adding properties to 279 – 284
editing source text in 279
exporting templates from 285 – 286
grouping properties in 281
in Premiere Pro 287
organizing 281
viewing supported properties 280

Essential Graphics workspace 278

Evaporate animation preset 68


Motion Graphics templates 285 – 286
movies with Adobe Media Encoder 380 – 386

expressions 154 , 268

extruding text

in After Effects 304 – 306
in Cinema 4D Lite 309 – 310


face tracking 237

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