Herb & Spice Companion

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Cubeb or Java pepper (Piper
cubeba): pungent, piney, and
peppery, with allspice or nut-
meg. Native to Indonesia, cubeb
is used mostly in that cuisine
and in Moroccan dishes, where
it’s paired with lamb and other
meats and included in the spice
blend ras el hanout (see page

Hoja santa (Piper auritum):
peppery with anise, mint, and
nutmeg. This is the aromatic leaf of a pepper plant native
to Central America. Its nickname, “root beer plant,” aptly
describes its flavor. Hoja santa is used abundantly in Mexi-
can cooking, in mole verde, tamales, soups, and beverages.

Long pepper (Piper longum):
peppery, sharp, and hot yet
sweet and earthy. Also called
Indian or Indonesian long
pepper, this variety grows in
small spikes that are used to
flavor stews, pickles, and meat

Lá Lót (Piper sarmentosum):
Another aromatic leaf related to pepper, lá lót is used raw
in Southeast Asian cooking as a salad herb and as a wrap-
per for meats and various fillings.

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