Herb & Spice Companion

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Bixa orellana

Other common name: achiote

Flavors: earthy, subtle, peppery

With their vibrant red hue, annatto,
or achiote, seeds have been used
since pre-colonial days to make dye
for foods, textiles, and body paints.
Dubbed the “lipstick tree,” this small
evergreen bears beautiful pink flowers
and then red spiky seedpods, which
open when ripe to reveal dozens of
red, pebble-shaped seeds.
Annatto is now a common color
additive in cheeses—like cheddar, which
is naturally paler without the annatto—
as well as in butter, margarine, and cho-
rizo sausage. In large quantities, annatto
also offers a subtle, lightly peppery fla-
vor to a variety of dishes from Central
and South America, the Caribbean, and
the Philippines.

In the Garden
The small annatto tree (or shrub) will grow in tropical and subtropical climates where
there is no threat of frost. It can be grown successfully in a large container and brought
indoors during the winter months in temperate climates.
Size: 6 to 20 feet tall

Annatto seeds are rich in the
antioxidants vitamin C and beta-
carotene, both of which help slow
down or prevent symptoms of
aging. But even more remarkable is
annatto’s high levels of tocotrienol, a
vitamin E compound that’s believed
to offer fantastic benefits for
cardiovascular health. Studies have
shown tocotrienol’s ability to lower
cholesterol, which may reduce the risk
of clogged arteries and heart attack.

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